Our services

Discover our wide range of services

Parking lot management

Parking lot management

Software maintenance

Software maintenance

Hardware maintenance

Hardware maintenance

standard exchange hesion

Standard exchange

training hesion


Auditing hesion


parking lot management hesion

Parking lot management

Parking lot management means the active exploitation of our customers’ parking lots. Hesion appoint teams of experts on-site who are in charge of the routine operations, the preventive monitoring of our devices, the optimisation of the parking space management, air quality and the follow-up of the site rules. This service provided is inevitably associated to software maintenance in order to enable our customers to continuously benefit from the most recent versions.

software maintenance hesion

Software maintenance

Software maintenance enables checking whether your device is actually effective.
Overtime, deviations may occur. We control all the databases, the cleaning-up, the backups, the disk space. We can also meet your needs as for minor needs in settings. This maintenance operation also involves any updates integrating once or twice a year the feedbacks from the field: software bugs, improvements and functionalities development.

hardware maintenance hesion

Hardware maintenance

The robustness of our systems enables to guarantee their optimal operating.
Still, it is necessary that the systems are regularly checked as the quality of the services provided will depend on this. It means also that the air quality should be controlled from a regulation point of view.
Hardware maintenance services means cleaning, tuning, calibrating, measuring the performance and operational testing.

standard exchange hesion

Standard exchange

Standard exchange applies exclusively to gas detectors for supervising the air quality in your parking lot.
The basic principle is very simple: every year, you will receive a set of detectors that were customised for your site that you will install while you will send us back the old ones.
Our detectors are controlled, calibrated and guaranteed over 12 months.

training hesion


Various training modules are made available to our customers, the service providers who use our systems and our integrator partners.
These modules include training on hardware maintenance, systems operations and parking lot management.
Do not hesitate to contact your chargé d’affaires who will advise you on the best module for you.

auditing hesion


Before launching a new project, it can be useful to audit the performance of your installation in position, to validate theoretical data or intuitions, to verify the respect for regulations in force. We have mobile tools to collect data over a short period of time and thus to guide you in your decisions.

Any professional project we can work together on? Let’s talk about it !

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